Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Who's the Innovator?

       So this past week in class we went over the percentage of jobs in audio across the country. The numbers wasn't all that shocking being that California and New York led in the employment category. It can humble you in a sense, because of how much money we think audio engineers gross while doing a job you can see yourself enjoying. What this map, that broke down the jobs location plus the wages, told us was it's not as good as you think in the audio world. As far as myself is concerned, I never thought the audio world was that glamorous in the first place, it was just something I wanted to be around. 

        The high profile jobs usually come from the creators or innovators. What do I mean, you ask? Basically what I'm saying is, I think you would have to stand out from a creativity standpoint or just get lucky. When you see a Rick Rubin or a Butch Vig you see guys who's doing more than just hit the record button. These are audio guys with creativity, with their production and ideas plus entrepreneurship. So, you would have to ask yourself are you ready to think out the box. Are you ready to be a innovator not a imitator? That's how you really become in the upper echelon of your field. With a little under two years to go until I graduate, my future is constantly on my mind. Freelance work is what we might have to go to so we can stay up on our craft along with making a little money.

        Being from Michigan, it's clear that we are not a hot bed for audio jobs. Although I would love to stay here in my home state, it's looking more and more like that might not be the case, especially if I was to go into post production work. Maybe being a innovator could land you in a state you ultimately want to move to. From the graphic we seen in class the audio jobs are spread out, but not in our favor. The wages are higher in New York and California, but I cant help but think that wouldn't be a significant difference being that the cost of living is much higher in these two states so it evens everything out. If you love being in the audio field, money should be a factor but not a hug factor. When people in my life ask me, hey Darwin how much money is in that field? I've always responded with; it doesn't matter as long as I have a job I love doing. Even going as far as saying I would take my current pay from my current job in the audio field. I might be stretching it but you get the point.

        My goal is being able to work wherever I want, but I know early on that wouldn't be the case. That's why starting yesterday, I'm figuring out ways to bring something different to the forefront and being a INNOVATOR.

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