Sunday, October 26, 2014

Terrestrial, Satellite, or Podcast Radio

       Terrestrial, satellite, or podcast? I ask this question wondering what people preferred. Each entity has its own purpose, but I wanted to know the reason why you would rather pay for satellite over terrestrial radio? or would you? Are you a podcast junkie because of all the different content you can get from it?

       I'm still undecided what I prefer because they each really serve a purpose; well at least in my eyes. Let take terrestrial radio, Its free so you can't compete with it from a price standpoint, but it's where you go to know the latest hits and sound in music. I find myself from time to time turning on the radio to see what people are listening to, only to be mainly disappointed in what I'm hearing. It's not always the actually music I'm disappointed in, sometimes It's the way these radio stations keep a few songs in rotation and not caring about being instrumental in trying to break new artist or just good records. That's because the machine aka major record label is backing most of the songs that's in heavy rotation. I find myself turning right to sports talk when I turn on the radio being that I'm a huge sports fan. These sports show on terrestrial radio for the most part are usually discussion about the local teams. So if you wanted to hear more national content, these other outlet can become useful as well. Especially satellite radio.

       Satellite radio is what I lean more towards because it offers the same content as terrestrial and more. The one thing about satellite that keeps me going back to terrestrial is that it doesn't keep you informed with local news or music, whenever the local stations decide to play local music. Sirius/XM Satellite radio offers one thing or person that no one else can offer. That is Howard Stern, which has a huge following and I'm one of those people who listens to every show. At one point I told myself when Stern retires I'm done with satellite radio, which runs me about $9.99 a month. I still find myself bouncing back and forth because they have such a huge variety of music to choose from, new content or old. Plus it's more likely to hear music you haven't heard before on Sirius/XM. Satellite has sports shows as well. Usually when I listen to sports on satellite it's usually ESPN radio which is free. Satellite still has its purpose because it has everything from music to sports to CNN and news outlets like that all on one app. It prevents you from going app to app.

       Podcast shows really starting to become popular and useful. I must admit I don't listen to a lot of podcast shows that's not sports related but I am familiar with some of them and I know how they work. I use podcast shows like audio DVRs because if I happen to miss a show, more than likely a sports show, I can always go to iTunes and download it for free. One big plus about podcasts are anybody can start one, if you feel like there's something missing in that world, you could create your own show to fill that gap. Anything that you're into there's probably a podcast with that specific content.

        You really can't go wrong with anyone of these options, but I do know people put out there that think terrestrial radio is going to soon be extinct, but local radio stations still has things to offer. With satellite being the one that cost, people tend to going against satellite, but $10 is not that steep of a price, especially for all the content. Podcast is a cool way to search for all types of content. As of right now I still think all of these options are necessary.

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