Monday, October 20, 2014

Entrepreneur vs. Employee

       I wanted to touch more on life after school, as one day I will be faced with the harsh reality of graduation. When that day finally arrives I would like to be completely prepared for it. Weighing the options between becoming a freelancer or working for a company, well that song plays in my head all the time. Truthfully, I know what I'm leaning towards because it might not be my choice. I could possibly be forced into a life of independence because of the lack of experience, plus the shortage of audio jobs.

       The one thing about going in business for yourself is that most people are not built for it. I'm not really sure if that's how I want to start my career, but I've always been a whatever it takes guy. Having good interactive skills is a good quality to have if you want to go into business for yourself, which I believe I have. Going this route of standing on my own of course is going to be challenging, but it will also build character and bring something out of a person that they possibly didn't know was in them. Being able to build on relationships with different people or artist, depending on what you're doing, could be beneficial in the long run because you're doing every side of the business. Of course there will be learning curves but, if you stick to your plan and believe in what you're doing, nothing can derail your plans. One big down fall for going into business for yourself is you may not have the funds to buy the type of equipment a big studio will have if you wanted to be a studio engineer.

       Working for a studio and not necessarily for yourself could have its perks being that you'll probably have most of what you need in the studio at your disposal. Working for a studio whether big or small would be extremely beneficial so you can understand how things are ran in an already up and running establishment. Going into business for yourself could hurt initially because you may not have guys around who's been in the business and could mentor you. I hear instructors say all the time, they learned more outside of school than in school. That being said school can only prepare you so much before you reach your real classroom...the real world. Having an employer that already has relationships with certain artist could help you out because of the possibility of you working with that artist.

       I guess it all depends on the person and what he or she wants to do and how they want to start of in the industry. I feel both presents pros and cons, it's all about choosing the one suit you best. Either way the table turn it's going to be incredibly challenging being that there are no shortage of audio guys as we always hear.

        As far as myself is concerned I would rather start off being employed by a studio just to gained that experience of being in a big setting outside of school. I would always be able to do freelance work on the side so that option would always be there for me. The person I am, having the thirst for knowledge like I do, I would want to be around someone so I could pick their brain as much as possible.  That being said I'm looking to do some freelance work before I graduate.

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